


Dr Bassit Abu Syed Founder WHD (Source: WHD)
WHD Aaward Ceremony
(Source: WHD)
USPA NEWS - Dr.Abdul Basit Syed, founder of WHD, is a renowned humanitarian activist, who was Honoured to be the Ambassdor of Croydon, UK, by the Mayor of Croydon, Cllr.Humayun Kabir, as a recognition of his serving to the community and his extensive actions, of positive social impact. He launched Stars of COVID event, an online ceremony was held on June 28th, awarding hundred (100) humanitarian candidates. “Actions speak louder than words“. The COVID stars serve as the best example for this phrase. These stars got into action and are helping humanity to fight against the deadly COVID-19. “Stars of Covid“ is a part of World Humanitarian Drive (WHD) founder Mr.Abdul Basit Syed, initiative called “Honouring The Honourable“. “When I insipre a person, honourable it creates if you recognize heroes, it is a recognition for working harder. That is the mean, engineering happiness, human find can find. Something would help happiness, we creating Moral Day, that is the answer.“ founder Dr .Abdul Basit Syed, stated as he launched this one of a kind initiative called “Honouring The Honourable“. Over the COVID-19 outbreak, paying a tribute to the heores starred durign their full activity of lockdown.
WHD Logo World Humanitarian Drive
Source: WHD
THE COVID STARS EVENT SERVE AS THE BEST EXAMPLE FOR “ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS“ “Actions speak louder than words“. The Covid stars serve as the best example for this phrase. These stars got into action and are helping humanity to fight against the deadly Covid-19. “Stars of Covid“ is a part of World Humanitarian Drive (WHD) founder Mr.Abdul Basit Syed, initiative called “Honouring The Honourable“. Since the initiative started in 2018 it has inspired millions across the world as a mode to encourage, recognise and felicitate popular figures to common men who have contributed for the welfare of the society and the world. WHD takes pride in honouring these stars who are promoting the best for humanity. The major objective of this event was to show gratitude and honour to the incredible volunteers who have always been contributing to the betterment of humanity especially during this crisis of Covid-19. When the entire world was shut down and afraid to step out, these stars lend a helping hand to the world out there that was battling against Corona. The nomination process for the event started on April 27, 2020. Over 1600 nominations from all the seven continents were received for this event reaching global recognition in such a short period.
Stars COVID Event
Source: WHD
THE ONLINE CEREMONY OF STAR OF COVID WS HELD ON 28 JUNE 2020 AT 2PM, LONDON TIME--------------- The online honouring ceremony was held on June 28, 2020 - 2 P.M, London Time (GMT+1). The ceremony gleamed with the presence of notable Chief Guests H.E. Fatmir Sejdiu, Former President of Kosovo, H.E. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Former Prime Minister of Nepal, and Hon. Pedro I Altamirano, President of The National Assembly, Andalusia- Spain, along with Dr. Abdul Basit Syed, the Founder Chairman of WHD, the session was well moderated by Mr. Robin Marsh, Secretary-General of UPF (UK). World Humanitarian Drive proudly awarded 100 noble individuals, organizations and community groups from 35 different countries with the prestigious “GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN AWARD“ with the first look of the book “Stars of Covid 100“ along with launching the book “Re-engineering Happiness“, both authored by WHD Founder, Abdul Basit Syed. The Chief Guests of the event H.E. Fatmir Sejdiu, Former President of Kosovo, H.E. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Former Prime Minister of Nepal released the books and received the first online copies.------------------------------------- The honouring ceremony lasted for 1 hour 10 minutes with thought-provoking speeches of Chief Guests H.E. Fatmir Sejdiu, Former President of Kosovo and H.E.Madhav Kumar Nepal, Former Prime Minister of Nepal, both receiving Title of Honour “Patron of Humanity“ Award from WHD Founder Abdul Basit Syed for their continuous contribution to support humanity. The ceremony ended with a valedictory wave as the award winners expressed their contentment for being recognized and honoured for their selfless act. Awards were presented under twelve categories including Politicians, Journalist and Media, Government Officials and Administrative Services, Innovation and Technology, Medical Field, Trust / Charitable Organisations, Social Worker / Volunteer, Entrepreneur / Business / Corporates, Public Figures / Entertainers, Education and Research, Social Welfare Organization and Environment and Nature Preservation. The entire event was organised by WHD-World Humanitarian Drive.
Stars Covid Ceremony 28th June
Source: WHD
Quote Stars COVID Event
Source: WHD
Stars Covid Ceremony 28th June
Source: WHD
Antony Carmino Pdt of Trinidad & Tobago
Source: WHD
FROM 2018 HONOURING THE HONOURABLE RECOGNISE PEOPLE WHO SERVED AND INSPIRED SOCIETY LEADERS It“˜s all started from 2018, Hnouring the honourable, recognise people who served and inspired society leaders from all levels, onboard. A poetry contest, from 41 counrties. it started in march 2020, 1 month running, and 60 langages, included. It is the 1st time, We made an isnpriational hope to the humanity and then we published, the pemes, in 6000 followers, in instagaram. It created a traffic, for one month. We launched the 50 best poems, the fifth President of Honourable and it was covered by CNN. People wrer cited the poems. Even the President himself. After 8 days on May 1st, we started the program Stars of COVID-19, My grand father was a fighter proeminent acuvits figure Iin South India, U started for the ats 20 years in social activites and did lots of initiatives, the 1st, global was World Morality. We asked UN to mark, the 1st of September, WW2, ending. As a Day of Morality. Our campaign, 50 000 signatures, The second intative, the signs Bazar, for the youth, in the month of March, 800 projects, from electric to intellectual projects gathered. Trade4peace, wors van be used for trade and for peace, lst year in June 2019, we launched a global summit with 60 countries, enrolling leaders, sceretaries of British Parliament, the aim is tomke a trade for peace policy, linked to it.. Honourable is a great intiative, we want to salute their ideal and contribution.“ Dr .Abdul Basit Syed, explained----------------- DR ABU SAYED THE FOUNDER OF STARS COVID EVENT IS AMBASSADOR OF CROYDEN, UK Dr .Abdul Basit Syed, is the Ambassador of Croyden, appointed by the Mayor of London, as an international Ambassador to promote activity of trade. It is a honourable function. He is also, renowned in the International law, and the Vice president of Space kids India Kalam Sat 2.
Dr Bassit Abu Sayed
Source: Dr Bassit Abu Sayed
CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF TE STARS COVID-19 NOMINEES--------------------------------------------------------- The collect of data regarding the potnitial candidates comes from a compilation of data collected, in a database by Dr .Abdul Basit Syed who traveled up over 20 countries, From January to April 2020.------------------------------------------------------------ WHD : based on 9 countries. We have 3 important goals, Peace, Education, Trade Harmony. This is my executing style. All the projects are circled around it. When asked “Why is he working so hard on that project ?“, Dr .Abdul Basit Syed responds, that just after the COVID-19, on May 1st, “we did a questionary pattern in google we sent it out, to dfferent countries and asked for eligible, to nominate or nominate themselves. We attached evidences, to 20 questions and send them to 1600 candidates from 40 countries, such as Australia, Europe, India, Korea, Africa, all over the 7 continents. With all these nomination we did a full top name. if the info is insuffucient we, then ask for more. Or we reject if is insufficient. The second questionary, that mentions “ you´ve been short listed, in 550 people“. This short list has 36 questions, similar, “do you believe in the mupltiplicity, diversity etc“¦.We send it to the IT. We kept a hundread a to short list them.“ Dr .Abdul Basit Syed explained. He added, though : “My personal aproach is driven by this motto : “I am a global citizen, nobody is diffrent the differene come form the heart“ Dr .Abdul Basit Syed is now in the process of issuing the “STARS OF COVID Book, 100 Top biographies“ a one of a kind Who´s Who, dedicatd to the men and women selected form 35 countries. “It is already finished. We have 12 categories“¦. Including the “Angels without pins“one, Dr .Abdul Basit Syed, stressed. ABOUT Dr ABDUL BASSIT SAYED------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “When I insipre a person, honourable it creates if you recognizE heroes, it is a recognition for working harder. That is the mean, engineering happiness, human find can find. Something would help happiness, we creating Moral Day, that is the answer.“ Dr .Abdul Basit Syed, Stated as he explains how he generates a social impact through his serial events of hnourouring the heores, in a wide range of nominees, from the lowset to highest level of notoriety and social function, in the hieracrchy of our modern societies.The beauty of thies ceermonies is to put together, a single farmer and a Prince or a Physician, caregiver alonsgide a Head of State“¦. TEMPLATE OF THE CRITERA SELECTION TO THE STARS OF COVID EVENT------------------------------------------------Few of notable winners are listed below. ( Mr or Mrs xxxx from xxxx received for xxx in the category of) Kindly add your name and details along with this PR and publish you might also choose to edit. you might also mention other country winners to name a few “One Million Meals“ - Croydon (UK) campaign supported by David Beckham H.R.H. Princess Doaa M. Ezzat - (Saudi Arabia) Dr. Colleen Kraft (USA) HCL Foundation CSR (India)
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