


President Macron SIRHA Lyon Talk Profesionals F&B (Source: Jedi Foster & RSR)
SIRHA Lyon 21 Chefs Banner
(Source: Jedi Foster & RSR)
USPA NEWS - French President Emmanuel Macron, went to Lyon on Monday, September 27, 2021, to SIRHA (20th edition of the International Hotel and Food Catering Fair, biennial) for the morning. During the President Macron chaired the ceremony of the future Academy de la Health, also in Lyon in the presence of the Secretary General of the WHO (World Health Organization), Tedros Adhanom Ghbreyesus to be opened by 2023 at the International City of Lyon. Laurent Wauquiez the President of the Region Rhone Alpes thanked warmly the Head of State for his active presence and promises towards the healthcare and gastronomy Food & Beverage sectors, which went through tough times during the lockdowns, due to the COIVID-19 pandemic. Actually,this is one of the rare times that the Head of State has attended the 20th edition of this professional fair for catering, hotel and food professionals, the Village of the Chefs and the closing ceremony of the Paul Bocuse Awards. The day before, among the best chefs of French gastronomy prepared a special dinner (Two hundred happy few guests) for President Macron
New Excellence Academy of Gastronomy Lyon
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
French President Emmanuel Macron, went to Lyon on Monday, September 27, 2021, to SIRHA (20th edition of the International Hotel and Food Catering Fair, biennial) for the morning. During the President Macron chaired the ceremony of the future Academy de la Health, also in Lyon in the presence of the Secretary General of the WHO (World Health Organization), Tedros Adhanom Ghbreyesus to be opened by 2023 at the International City of Lyon. Laurent Wauquiez the President of the Region Rhone Alpes thanked warmly the Head of State for his active presence and promises towards the healthcare and gastronomy Food & Beverage sectors, which went through tough times during the lockdowns, due to the COIVID-19 pandemic. Actually,this is one of the rare times that the Head of State has attended the 20th edition of this professional fair for catering, hotel and food professionals, the Village of the Chefs and the closing ceremony of the Paul Bocuse Awards. The day before, among the best chefs of French gastronomy prepared a special dinner (Two hundred happy few guests) for President Macron. After the Grands Chefs dinner on Sunday evening, President Emmanuel Macron spent the night at the Rhône prefecture. here is the list of the most prestigious chefs, who have concocted a Presidential menu, special, highly gastronomic, on the occasion of a grand dinner including two hundred guests, within the Prefecture of Lyon, in the presence of the President of the Region Rhone Alpes, Laurent Wauquiez. The next morning, he had breakfast with the elected officials of the Rhône this Monday morning.
Le Notre French Premium Catering SIRHA
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
Banner Chefs Bocuse Lyon SIHRA
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
Guy Degrenne Arts de La Table SIRHA
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
President Macron & Sec Tourisms JB Lemoyne
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
PDT MACRON SPOILS HIMSELF WITH A DELICIOUS VISIT BY MINGLING & TASTING IN THE HEART OF FRENCH GASTRONOMY AT SIRHA------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During his two days trip to Lyon (The third largest city in France behind Paris and Marseille) French President Emmanuel Macron, visited a section of the SIRHA (20th edition of the International Hotel and Food Catering Fair, biennial) during two hours the morning. The President stopped at a stand where he enjoyed tasting foie gras, then discovered the One Tech platform of distributor of “Made in France” wine, before joining the final part of the Bocuse D'Or competition which brings together best chefs in the world to win the prestigious tope Bocuse D'or, representing one of the best recommences in gastronomy. President Emmanuel Macron, smiles, speaks, discusses, answers naive questions from young apprentices, takes selfies and continues his small triple of the delicacies of French and Lyon gastronomy in particular, stronghold of what France is so proud of: Le Pope of Gastronomy Paul Bocuse was from Lyon…. It is moreover his son Jerome Bocuse, who presides over the Bocuse D'or Award.
President Macron & Sec Trade Alain Griset
Source: RSR Jedi Foster
DURING HIS VISIT TO SIRHA PDT MACRON MET THE ACTORS OF FOOD & BEVERAGE SECTOR & ANNOUNCED STATE AID President Emmanuel Macron, was eagerly awaited at the international catering, hotel and food trade fair this Monday, September 27 in the morning, around 10:30 am. He remained on the site until 12:30 p.m., after speaking with restaurateurs and announcing upcoming measures to make the restaurant business more flexible. President Macron also attended the very festive and demanding ceremony of the Bocuse d'Or, considered the "Olympic games of gastronomy". This year, the young Lyon chef Davy Tissot is qualified and represents the French Team, within the group of the best chefs in the world, who have come to challenge each other in the name of a prestigious and demanding podium of haute cuisine. Within the delegation, ministers accompanied the Head of State such as Alain Griset, Minister delegate in charge of small and medium-sized enterprises, and Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Secretary of State in charge of tourism and Julien Denomandie, Minister of Agriculture.
Award Bocuse D'or
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
Award Bocuse D'or
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
Award Bocuse D'or
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
Teen who hit President Macron with egg exfiltrated
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
THE PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE SHOULD SET UP A HUMAN CORRIDOR TO BETTER SECURE THE PRESIDENT AND THE JOURNALISTS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OFFENSIVE CROWD OF SELFIES The only small incident, which did not dampen the enthusiasm of Emmanuel Macron, was the throwing of an egg by a young man in his twenties, quickly exfiltrated by the police.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the President strolled down the aisles of the living room, he was the victim of a projectile throw. It would be an egg, which bounced off the shoulder of the French head of state. The order service of protection closer to the President immediately overpowered the young man, aged about twenty, author of the protest gesture. He also reportedly shouted "Long live the revolution". He was handcuffed and the presidential procession continued on their way, calmly, despite the thicker crowd around him. It is astonishing to note that the press service in France, could not better revive a "human corridor" at the same time, to preserve the security of the President of the Republic and of its own delegation of associates and journalists accredited of the Elysee Administration . Otherwise, this protocol not having set up a "human corridor", the delegation finds itself mingled with visitors to the Salon, more or less offensive in their desire to approach the President of the Republic. It makes you wonder why journalists are provided with a badge to mark their distinction, weird visitors, because they are in full exercise of their function, and should not be heckled by the crowd eager for selfies with the head of the State. Ditto for the officials of the ministerial delegation.
French Academy of Excellency Gastronomy
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
PDT MACRON UNVEILED THE FUTURE LAUNCH OF A TRAINING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN GASTRONOMY IN LYON-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The French Head of State Macron first met with professionals from the sector in the hub located at the entrance to the Show and before discussing the themes of transmission, learning or even attractiveness of professions in the cooking and catering sector. During his visit he must have been regularly stopped by fans, asking him to pose for selfies. "There is no unemployment in the economy, and there will be none in the future" announced with enthusiasm, President Macron. Indeed, President Macron had wanted in June a resumption of hiring, indicating that 110,000 jobs are to be filled in the restoration, a sector with low wages, weakened by confinements. The President, who rejoiced at the number of 525,000 apprentices today in France, "a figure never reached". He nevertheless specified that training and the reform of unemployment insurance were also levers aimed at acting on the labor shortage in the sector.
Award Bocuse D'or Competition
Collective Painting over Paul Bocuse
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
Painting of Paul Bocuse SIRHA
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
Foundation Bocuse SIRHA Lyon
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
PDT MACRON ANNOUNCES THAT THE TIP IN RESTAURANT WILL BE TAX FREE AND INCLUDED IF PAID BY CREDIT CARD---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- French President Macron reaffirmed his support for professionals hard hit by the COIVD-19 outbreak that hit the Food & beverage sector the most.The greatest French chefs are delighted with President Macron's announcement about the opening of an upcoming exceptional gastronomic training center.The Head of State took advantage of his presence at SIRHA to make an announcement very applauded in advance by the profession of Food, and Catering, in France. Indeed, he notably announced the tax exemption for tips paid by bank card. This is an incentive that comes at the right time, because it aims to restore purchasing power but above all attractiveness to a sector lacking in resources. "We have decided that tips paid by credit card would be free of charge for employers and tax-free for employees who receive them" with an implementation "in the coming months," said the President during his visit to SIRHA. He adds: "This will add to the purchasing power" of employees in the sector. "The idea is that we can at the restaurant pay the tip with the credit card (the rounding or more), because we saw it at the end of the crisis, our compatriots use less and less cash , "Said President Emmanuel Macron. "This will allow you to attract more young and old to tell them: you can earn more than the salary and the bonus that I pay you", concluded the Head of State, who regularly deplores the jobs not provided in this sector, a puzzle for restaurateurs. THE PROFESSIONALS SUCH AS CHEF SERGE VIEIRA GLAD TO HEAR THE PDT’S INCENTIVES Thus the starred chef Serge Vieira, president of Team France, explains: "For us this is great news". "We had been working on it for months. And really we couldn't continue like this, we were a French team without a federation. This long work, today it pays off. I think the President understood the challenges of our professions, and our competitions. It will develop tourism, it highlights our producers and all our French know-how, "confided the Michelin-starred chef from Chaudes-Aigues. For Serge Vieira, this center is also an issue to motivate the next generation and put the foot in the stirrup of young people: "It is extremely important for young people, it is the priority. All young people who want to participate must such a competition can do so without funding concerns. " (comments collected by France TV).
Interview Chef tetedoie SIRHA
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
Banner Chefs Bocuse Lyon SIHRA
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
Facade SIRHA Fair Lyon
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
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