
The World Transplant Registry estimated at 118,117 transplants performed

Worldwide in 2014

(Source: RTVE)
USPA NEWS - The World Transplant Registry, which manages the Spanish ONT 9 years in collaboration with WHO, brings to 118,127 the total solid organ transplants performed worldwide in the last year, representing an increase of 3% the previous year.
Of these, 79,325 were kidney, liver 25.050, 6.270 Heart, Lung 4,834, 174 and 2,474 pancreatic bowel. Despite this slight increase, both WHO and the ONT estimate that these figures only represent 12% of the global need for transplants. This is data collected in the official publication of the Transplant Commission of the Council of Europe ('2015 Transplant Newsletter), which will soon be available on the website of the ONT.
Spain, with 1,682 donors and 4,360 transplants in 2014, returns to defend once again its global leadership, with a rate of 36.0 donors pmp, well above the average for the European Union and the United States. Global Registry data reflect the predominance of Spain in this area: with only 0.7% of the world population, in Spain last year were carried out on 17% of all organ donations in the European Union and 6 % of all registered world.
The historical analysis of this data also shows a steady slow increase, but transplants in the world. In the past 5 years, the total number of registered transplants has increased by 13.5% (2010-2014), with an annual growth rate of 2.7%. In Europe the figures on organ donation and transplantation are stable compared to 2013. In 2014, the rate of donation of the 28 countries that form the EU increased slightly to 19.6 donors per million people (19.5 in 2013), with a total of 10,033 donations (9,637 in 2013).
These numbers are however very conditioned by the continued decline of the donation in Germany in recent years, offset by growth in other smaller countries. EU total, about 10% were donors after cardiac death (death after irreversible cardiac arrest), somewhat lower than that recorded by our country in this type of donation (11.5%). The total number of transplants increased by 2.3% with a total of 31,881, slightly higher than the previous year (31,165 in 2013). As for the waiting list, the encrypted data from the World Record in 56,116 Europeans waiting for transplants as of 31 December 2014. The same data sick estimated 3,799 people died during the whole year waiting for a transplant.
Since 2010, the donation rate has improved by 21 EU countries and donor in absolute numbers have increased by 8%. Yet the ACCORD program has shown significant potential for improvement that exist in Europe, showing that only 23% of potential donors effectively ended by donation. The ONT also emphasizes development in all countries of the European Union donation in asystole, which was consolidated in our country as the most important growth path donation dead people. Currently, donation after cardiac death in the EU represents 10% of all donations, while in our country now accounts for 11.5% of the total in 2014 and 17% in the first half of 2015.
The Council of Europe publication includes data from a total of 112 countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Russia and Latin America. US donation rates remained stable in recent years, where between 25 and 26 donors pmp (26.6 in 2014, a total of 8,596 donors). Canada where the donation rate reaching 16.5 pmp slightly increased, while in Australia stabilizes around 16 donors pmp. For its part, Russia recorded a slight increase in their donation rate, which stands at 3.3 donors pmp, compared with 2.9 the previous year.
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