


Grand Paris Noisy Champs Station (Source: Courtesy Prefecture Ile de France)
Grand Paris Logo
(Source: Courtesy of Prefecture Ile De France)
USPA NEWS - The Law on the Grand Paris was promulgated on June 3, 2010, and carries the vision of the development project and development of the Ile metropolis. The Territorial Development Contracts (TDC) meets this objective, in a partnership approach brought jointly by the State and local authorities.
Jean Francois Carenco Prefect IDF
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
The Law on the Grand Paris was promulgated on June 3, 2010, and carries the vision of the development project and development of the Ile metropolis. The Territorial Development Contracts (TDC) meets this objective, in a partnership approach brought jointly by the State and local authorities. To enable the new transport network and its stations to fully produce the expected development effects, they must be accompanied by a planning policy of the thinking space across the "Grand Paris" (Greater Paris), with targeted territories for their economic potential. A TDC AIMS A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN TEH FRENCH STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR A GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT The Territorial Development Contracts (TDC) meets this objective, a partnership approach brought jointly by the state and regional authorities: the momentum created by the arrival of the transportation project is thus increased by a more global development project, developed by local authorities and the state.------------------------------------------------------------------------ TDC is a tool for planning and programming, the content specified by the Decree of June 24, 2011, under section 21 of the Law on the Grand Paris. To date, of the 21 steps taken since 2010, 16 have been the subject of an agreement between the state and validation local and TDC 12 have been signed with the latter.------------------------------------------------------------------------ The TDC is the local version of the work of the "Grand Paris" development objectives in urban planning, transportation, travel, fight against social exclusion, economic, sport and cultural development, protection of agricultural and forest areas and landscapes. In housing, the Law on the Grand Paris scored the goal of building 70,000 housing units per year. The TDC is the territorialization tool of this ambition. The TDC launched a dynamic that has already powered: “¢ reflection on governance (MGP, the SRCI); “¢ Many projects implemented by communities on their territories. Source: Prefecture of Ile de France, Prefect Jean Francois Carenco See also article : SIGNATURE OF NEW GRAND PARIS EST NOISY CHAMPS BY CARENCO PREFECT ILE DE FRANCE AND PARIS WITH MAYOR OF NOISY LE GRAND - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-6807/signature-of-new-grand-paris-est-noisy-champs-by-carenco-prefect-ile-de-france.html#sthash.jDMU9aJi.dpuf

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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