
Thierry Marx Chef will be the guest of honour of the festival Mougins a must see

Meet the Chefs worldwide 10 to 12 June

Thierry Marx and Team of Mougins (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi )
logo Etoiles Mougins
(Source: Etoiles Mougins)
USPA NEWS - The International Festival of Gastronomy the Etoiles de Mougins, 11th date changes, changing era. Previously held in September, the Festival opens this year's season of the entrance 10, 11 and 12 June. Thierry Marx holds 3 stars Michelin, will be the guest of honour and welcomed the team of Mougins.
Thierry Marx and Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
The International Festival of Gastronomy the Etoiles de Mougins, 11th date changes, changing era. previously held in September, the Festival opens this year's season of the entrance 10, 11 and 12 June. Thierry Marx count 2 star Michelin, will be the guest of honour and welcomed the team of Mougins festival ains some journalists and food critics for a cocktail, composed of his best appetizer of the East, at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.------------------------------------------------------------- An opportunity for Mougins to develop and promote through the Gastronomy and the Art of Living, the strengths of its territory and the French Riviera, presented in the spring, the best time of the year.---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------A SPECIAL GUEST OF EXCEPTION : THIERRY MARX CHEF OF 3 STARS MICHEL THIERRY MARX IS A GRAND CHEF WITH A BIG HEART -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Marx, born in Paris on 19 September 1962 is a French cook. His cuisine is inspired by molecular gastronomy. He works also in collaboration with the Bibette physicist.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIG CHIEF WITH A BIG HEART ENGAGE IN COMBAT SOCIETY----------------------------------------------------------------- Since 2002, Thierry Marx is involved in prison there for transmitting his knowledge. And since 2012, his action allows detainees of Poissy jail who wish to receive training in professional cooking. Thierry Marx is practicing and teaching martial arts. He has studied judo, jujitsu and aikido. For the opening of the Mandarin Oriental Paris and its different spaces, he introduced in his teams practicing tai chi, with the aim to fight against stress and weld équipes16.---------------------------------- For Thierry Marx, the street food is "a powerful integration engine in society." 18 He conducted several operations in recent years in favor of street food.
Michelin Guide
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
In 2009, the chef launched in Blanquefort, near Bordeaux, the "Ateliers Nomad kitchen." 19---------------------------------------In September 2012, Thierry Marx is organizing in partnership with Badoit a gourmet meal in the RER 400 C. These are people who will taste the dishes of the chef, served by 90 waiters during their 25-minute trajet20. In September 2013, always with Badoit is in traffic of the Rue de Rivoli in Paris that the event recurs: 1000 people were surprised to be served a gourmet meal in their car, served by a hundred butlers, on three kilometers trajet21.------------------------------------------------------------- CHEF THIERRY LARX HOLDS TWO STARS IN THE MICHELIN AND FOUR TOQUES BY GAULT & MILLAU------- Chef Thierry Marx has two stars in the Michelin and four toques by Gault Millau ---------------------------------------------------- At Mougins Festival, this year, the next experiment is to "USE YOUR FIVE SENSES" to make the most of the gastronomy sense and tastes, whether you are an expert or an amateur... It is a matter of learning or relearning how to eat with the five senses and engage the whole body? How to taste, smell, see, touch, hear and participate in the fun of cooking? How to get back to basics, to the product, how to cook, how to stage, how to do good and stay healthy? This is what is proposed to introduce you to the leaders, health professionals, journalists and small producers will be present at the 11th edition of the Etoiles de Mougins.
Amuse coupe by Thierry Marx
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Thierry Marx in action
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Amuse bouche by Thierry Marx
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Amuse bouche by Thierry Marx
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Dessert by Thierry Marx
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Thierry Marx Mougins Team
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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